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May 26, 2003

What's a GG4?

One of the old Goon show standby's used to be Harry Secombe in his rich plummy voice announcing that he was Harry Secombe GG4. After mentioning this several times someone (usually Milligan) would finally ask 'Whats a GG4' and at that point there would be a chorus of voices responding "For kiddies to ride on!" (*).

Well in Australia the GG is also the Queen's representative and official head of the country although the role is more symbolic than real. The GG (until yesterday) was the Rev. Peter Hollingsworth (who has an honary doctorate but I don't think that qualifies him for the title 'Dr.'). After being hounded by the media for a long period of time he has finally given into the pressure and resigned. This is very disappointing for a number of reasons and the main one is that the hounding ultimately became a kind of "trial by media". As far as I can tell (avoiding the rhetoric and vitriol), the only "crime" involved was that he was (Anglican) Archbishop of Brisbane (and hence is deemed personally responsible for anything that even happened in Queensland that involves the Anglican church) and he tends to speak his mind (calls a spade a spade).

Let's be fair and objective for a moment. If Rev. Hollingsworth is personally responsible for every case of child abuse related to the Anglican church in Brisbane then the Premier of Queensland is equally responsible for every case that occurred in the public school system (at least one of which resulted in the conviction of an MP). Why is the media hounding the premier to resign?

I think that the media was primarily after Rev. Hollingsworth because they think that appointing an archbishop to be governor general as violating some mythical separation of Church and State, forgetting that we are not part of the USA and that the real head of our country (the Queen) is also head of the Anglican church anyway. The previous GG was a staunch Catholic (and has just been knighted) but that was a private matter. The current GG being an archbishop before he was a GG became a public matter.

The Queen has apparently (quite sensibly) decided not to become involved. According to the SMH , she has stated that the matter is one for the Australian government.

Personally, I feel that the complaint about "damaging" the reputation of the position of governor-general should not be directed at Rev. Hollingsworth. It should be directed at the feral media.

[* For those without a background in British style humour (i.e. Americans), the word "gee-gee" is traditional used as a childs name for a horse - as in "Gee Up Horsie". Hence the question is: "What is a Gee-gee for?" ... ]

Posted by Ozguru at May 26, 2003 08:05 AM


I am very surprised that none of my alert readers picking up the error in this article. Harry would have called himself "Neddy Seagoon GG4" not "Harry Secombe GG4".

Posted by: Ozguru at May 26, 2003 08:05 AM

My Turn

Posted by: Pete and Gez at May 26, 2003 08:05 AM