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May 30, 2003

3DO Needs M&M

That is "Might and Magic" not chocolate smarties :grin.

According to The Register , the gaming company 3DO has filed for Chapter 11. Although a quick glance at their home page only appears to list PC and game console products, they are also the developer for the fantastic "Heroes of Might and Magic" series which is available for Macs (in fact I was playing a round of HOMM IV last weekend).

Looks like time for a white knight (or maybe a hero with Expert Nobility) to cough up some cash. In the game we could upgrade the Town Hall or look for a chest of gold....

Posted by Ozguru at May 30, 2003 08:05 AM


Geeze. Thats a pitty. the HOMM series are the best turn based games out...

Posted by: Peskie at May 30, 2003 08:05 AM