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May 31, 2003

Edited Email

Another one bites the dust!

Here Mr Spam Spider ..... Here boy ... Got a nice juicy spammer's email address for you to leech and add to your lists .....

This email just received (some details edited) from yahoo:

From: Yahoo!Mail
To: FormMail HoneyPot
Subject: Re: Abuse from one of your users (KMM74378537V47398L0KM)
Reply-To: Yahoo!Mail

Hello, Thank you for writing to Yahoo! Mail. We have investigated the email that you've brought to our attention and responded appropriately under the Yahoo! Terms of Service (TOS). Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.
Yahoo! Customer Care

Original complaint which was automatically generated reads:

Dear abuse team,
One of your users is probing the Internet for open mail relays on webservers that have an unprotected FormMail webmail handler. This will undoubtably result in yet more (anonymous) spam.
Our server was probed as well, which automatically triggered this e-mail message. Please terminate the account of this abuser immediately.

Abuser information:
Timestamp : Thu May 29 22:12:54 2003 EST
E-mail address: dj_indoe@yahoo.com
IP address :
Probe URI : deleted

Yours truly,
The guru-international security guard!

Posted by Ozguru at May 31, 2003 12:05 AM


I bet the email you received is also an auto-generated one ;-) Makes you think if these bots even do something beyond sending confirmation mails...:-/ Btw this is the first time I'm visiting a blog which is a day ahead of mine!

Posted by: jivha at May 31, 2003 12:05 AM

The day ahead is courtesy of being down under :wink.

Posted by: Ozguru at May 31, 2003 12:05 AM