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June 05, 2003

Blue Sky

[EDITOR: This entry was prepared by a guest author on the other side of the world. As you can tell, the quality of the writting is much better than my usual drivel ... (thanks Pat)]

I am sure that you, like many of us moles tunneling away to earn our daily crust, have been plagued recently by an outbreak of so called "blue sky thinkers" - essentially supposedly creative and original thinkers who arrive like a hurricane, have all the answers but don't know which questions they fit, and leave a trail of ruined organisations, wrecked corporations and devastated and stressed out employees in their wake. They are the product of the MBA school of thought which decrees that a manager need have no more than the most basic understanding of what an organisation does or how it is done. Perhaps you would like to consider circulating the definition I found on this subject. It is attached for your enjoyment if nothing else - as far as I am aware it is original and not copyright.

"The most important feature of a clear blue sky is that it is clear; in fact it is totally lacking in any interest or feature which distinguishes it. A cloudy sky or a sky which has scattered clouds, now that has features, ever changing, ever moving, growing and developing clouds change the skyscape and move the eye and the mind from one pattern to another. Likening thought patterns to clear skies or blue skies is just another way of saying that the mind is empty, devoid of discernable thought and totally lacking in originality."

This definition came to light during my search for a reference on a different subject that I could use in a dissertation I am trying to finish. It was not attributed and seems to be one of those "quotable quotes". Be interesting to see if it catches on.

Posted by Ozguru at June 5, 2003 07:06 AM
