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June 12, 2003

Foggy Morning

This morning (I know it won't be morning by the time you read this but you are probably somewhere else anyway) if is very foggy. Cotton wool style foggy with the sky all grey and half the racecourse covered in mist (Yes, I live near a racecourse. No I don't own a horse). the park has just the tops of trees poking out for a sea of mist. This is as close to winter as it gets in Sydney. It never snows here and even the fog and mist will clear away by 8:30.
The scenery reminds me of two things: one is the snow we saw in Europe and the other was the fogs we used to get in the country when I was young. Of course when I was young we had better fogs, real ones with some bite to them. Funny thing is that my grandfather used to say the same thing to me. Is that truly a reflection on the general deterioration of fog quality or a sign that I am getting old?
In Europe we were travelling on a tour (no link because we hated the tour people) at Christmas time. I was sick all the way though France and my wife was sick in Italy but by the time we got to Germany and Austria we were wondering what had happened to the snow. Sure it was on the weather reports but it wasn't on us and we were wondering what had happened to the idea of a white Christmas? It did finally snow - just after midnight mass on Christmas Eve in Austria (boy that was fun, we didn't understand a word so we just sang quietly in English) and the following morning everything was covered in white. This mornings fog is only a pale reflection ...

[Addendum: I didn't have my camera but the SMH had a pretty good picture and a story to go with it:

Next time I'll try to take my own picture....]

Posted by Ozguru at June 12, 2003 10:06 PM


No more fog? No fog this morning but it is old enough that shorts and singlet would not be enough clothing to venture out. It must have rained overnight and that means the local paper will be soaked. The local weekly paper (The...

Posted by: Gday Mate - Archive at June 12, 2003 10:06 PM