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June 18, 2003

My desk

The reason for the strange entries yesterday and today is that I am off sick with the dreaded URTI (pronounced "lergy" for the goon fans) for a couple of days. Instead of meditating on the bus I have been sleeping off the tablets and reading bits of family history ready for my family-history-weekend (coming up). Anyway, here is another couple of photos from Monday.

The first is my desk. Note the PC with no keyboard (and no power cords) supplied by my employer. Note the faithful G3 powerbook which is still my main workhorse and the Newton (just in front of the PC) for attending meetings. The big Sun monitor is used for doing presentations at my desk (hooked into the powerbook). Most of the artwork was done by my kids:

Posted by Ozguru at June 18, 2003 07:06 AM
