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June 19, 2003

Government waste

What is worse than the government wasting money by sponsoring silly community efforts? Here is the story from Spike today:

And to think they're only a few hours behind us. Perth sex-worker group Phoenix has come under attack from the West Australian Government, which says the group is producing inappropriate promotional material with public money.
West Australian Training Minister Alan Carpenter has ordered the withdrawal of a workshop about towel folding in brothels from a Government-funded education conference being hosted by the group.
Titled Whore-i-gami - the Art of Towel Rolling, Folding and Shaping in the Sex Industry, the workshop was to have been presented at an adult conference tomorrow.
But Carpenter says it's completely inappropriate for a community education event, to which the Government had contributed about $40,000.

Whats worse than spending the money? Not getting value for it. Now the event is cancelled (but presumably paid for), there is no return on the investment. What is that phrase again? Money for Jam but the Jam is Free!

Posted by Ozguru at June 19, 2003 08:06 PM
