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June 23, 2003

Blogger Migration

A number of sites have been commenting on the migration of various blogs away from blogger onto some alternative. Quite a few have been moving to MT (what we use here) but you may want to read free ain't cheap before commiting to it. The article is carefully written but identifies a a possible issue related to hosting MT with multiple blogs (with multiple authors). I guess I am going to read the fine print very carefully right now.

Also, one of the blogs I link to has moved. I haven't updated the links on the right yet but in the meantime, here is where you can find Jay Solo's Verbosity . Unfortunately the mail Jay sent to advise us also listed lots of other blog admin addresses and there has already been one SPAM sent to everyone on the list. As a result, that is one blog (the one referenced in the SPAM) that I will not be reading (or linking to).

[Update: I think I am in the clear with the blogs on this site (there are actually three) because it is not a paid arrangement. The other blogs are friends who are welcome to donate to MT (as I have) but my reading of the terms suggests that as long as I don't charge for MT or bundle it with a chargeable service, then I am in the clear. It does mean that I should over to host more users under a user-pays model unless I pay $$$ to MT. Technically, I could probably get around that by charging for "bandwidth" usage which would have nothing to do with what the bandwidth was used for but I can understand the MT point of view.]

Posted by Ozguru at June 23, 2003 11:06 AM
