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June 24, 2003


How about a quick intelligence test? Won't hurt you (much). For non-Americans (like myself) the tricky question is the one about innings because it refers to baseball (a peculiar form of cricket as played by Americans). For the rest of the English speaking world we would know that the answer is 20 (10 each side) unless it is a limited overs game....

Take Intelligence Test!

Posted by Ozguru at June 24, 2003 08:06 AM


Your Score: 11 out of 11 Your Rating: Only 3 people have ever scored this high Woohoo

Posted by: Peskie at June 24, 2003 08:06 AM

I tried to score a 0 out of 11(try!) and I failed! Your Score: 3 out of 11 Your Rating: I'm sure your good at sports...

Posted by: jivha at June 24, 2003 08:06 AM