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June 24, 2003

Blog roundup

A quick review of snippits that I found interesting around the traps.

First up is the best live coverage of the Apple WWDC announcements.

Next, the problem with the sign rings a bell. At least it was only your hands they didn't want you to wash. The sign could have excluded feet washing. Reminds me of the packet of peanuts I bought in California with the warning "May contain traces of nuts".

The next item points to a story that suggests that binary codes are much older than anyone has ever suspected. It effectively challenges the idea that "primitive" is necessarily "unintelligent" by exploring the possibility that the Inca did have a complex "written" form of communication.

Anyone remember that old rhyme about "for the want of a nail the shoe was lost...".

Over here it sounds like Rumsfeld thinks he's on South Park ("Oh my God, they killed Kenny Saddam").

Finally there is an interesting article on the benefits of accurate translation.

Posted by Ozguru at June 24, 2003 01:06 PM
