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June 26, 2003

Lunchtime Roundup

Top news of the hour is that Hi, I'm Black is apparently 10th of the list of the "Top 50 Interesting Newcomers" ovar at Technocrati. Way to go Glenn!

Apparently something has been found in Iraq (also see here) but it probably isn't our old friend.

As the Apple Turns (AtAT) got a mention in Forbes but no link (which will make it harder for the punters to follow up). AtAT is covering the performance story and suggestions about converting a G5 into a (very heavy) laptop.

The question about the performance of the G5s is also raised at CARS where the headline story says that Apple has admitted lying about the size of its customers rear-ends. Apparently the settlement involves more honesty from Apple and customers eating less fudge :-).

Microslosh have apparently released two more security patches for some dodgy products. Could someone remind me again what the downside was when Microslosh stated that there would be no more IE? One less product to patch, one less insecurity, what's not to like?

Adobe have released a patch for Photoshop 7 that makes it "100%" faster on the G5 hardware (that nobody has yet). This is probably to make amends for being so slow to get Photoshop running under MacOS X in the first place.

Last but not least, there is an entry in the SMH that covers some of the same issues raised the other day. It touches on the question of "morning after" abortion pills and raises a query about the birthrate in countries like the US. The article finishes with this quote: Anything that lowers our abortion rate is welcome. But too little is known about the morning-after pill for it to be casually sneaked onto the pharmacy shelf. Buying the pill at the local chemist trivialises an issue with potentially grave psychological and health consequences. Women deserve to know the truth about whether they are getting a Clayton's abortion, the abortion you get when you don't think you're having one.

Posted by Ozguru at June 26, 2003 01:06 PM


Thanks a lot Ozguru. I think you've done more to help me gain notereity than anyone else :-)

Posted by: Glenn at June 26, 2003 01:06 PM