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June 27, 2003

Mea Culpa

Sometime this morning about 4AM, BotB went off the air. My fault. I was trying to be proactive yesterday and was cleaning up some old files to make sure I had enough free space. Unfortunately the QT Streaming Server was reading some of those files and it went bananas. As a result it filled about 8Gb of disk space in 3 hours :-(

I have killed the QTSS (iTunes 4 gives me the same functionality) and resuced the space. BotB dies because the site is auto-rebuilt every hour to make sure the RSS streams stay current (see lower right column for an RSS stream from 'Hi, I'm Black!' the best read on the web).

Sorry for the unexpected outage. I will try to plan ahead for the next unexpected outage. As Dilbert's boss said: We must make allowance for all the unplanned contingencies.

Posted by Ozguru at June 27, 2003 07:06 AM
