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June 29, 2003

What happened?

Seems to be a conspiracy ... what exactly happened nine months ago? As I mentioned earlier, my brother has just had a baby. Obligatory picture:

Then I spot another blog recently blessed at AMGCTLD and they in turn mention another.

Seriously though, this is good example of where we humans try to see patterns. In this case it is unlikely to be any more than coincidence but because of the way we shape our world we persist in trying to establish patterns.

Unseriously, I assume you have all heard the old saw about the woman "somewhere in the world, giving birth every minute" and therefore you would all remember the correct response "why doesn't somebody tell her to stop!"

Congratulations to all the parents. I have to be modest and (as all of the parents would agree) none of the others are as beautiful as my (their) own :grin.

Posted by Ozguru at June 29, 2003 02:06 PM


I was meaning to link to this... Go join Ozguru over at Bored at the Bus in welcoming a new addition to his extended family. Ozguru, congratulations.

Posted by: Paul Jané at June 29, 2003 02:06 PM

Another Congratulatory Posting In Australia, when it rains, it pours. Ozguru and his wife are celebrating their fourteenth wedding anniversary today, so here's

Posted by: Paul Jané at June 29, 2003 02:06 PM