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July 02, 2003

Blog Roundup #5

Whew. Nearly caught up with the backlog from getting distracted and reading all those archive files. Problem is that more stuff is appearing faster than I can read. Oh well, you know I must be getting fussier then....
Over at Little Tiny Lies (love that name, appropriate for a lawyer....) there was a great story about not washing your car which apparently has been a really popular article. There was also an earlier article that demands to be read. (BTW the photo on the main page looks like my twin brother, except that I didn't know I had a twin brother.)
Mr Barrett has some useful information including a port reference for MacOS X. I was thinking of putting one together but this is way better. He also has an item bagging out MacNN. I have been getting a bit annoyed with them - as you know I use NNW to read news and MacNN articles come up with headers but no summary. When you check out the article it seems to have little to do with the header and I feel that I have wasted my time.
Jaboobie seems to get the same spam that I do. Don't these idiots (the spammers, not Jaboobie) ever give up? He also has a quick entry about feeling manly (not the beach on the North side of Sydney Harbour). It's funny how often I put off doing jobs around the house because I feel that I can't do them. Eventually the missus puts her foot down, the job gets done and then you sort of feel good about the fact that it worked (without loosing an arm or leg or making things worse).
Over at Dean's World, there is an observation about men and women even more profound than the earlier comments here about long hair. Dean also has the ultimate truth so if you are a seeker of truth, check it out :-).
Finally (for this item) we have The Declaration of Independence from OS 9 which I found via links on both MacSlash and inessential.

Posted by Ozguru at July 2, 2003 09:07 PM
