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July 03, 2003

Bus Racing

A long time ago (measured in blog seconds), I made some off-the-cuff comment about racing buses that had turned up in a Google search. Well I do check the archived articles (especially when the comment alert appears in my mailbox) and there are people out there who really do race buses. A gentleman named Dan left a brief note:

... saw the bit about not winning drag races in a bus. i drag race my 1965 VW split screen van (complete with curtains and bed in) in the UK VW championship and i do win races!. (sometimes...)

He also noted that he has a blog (with more about cars and racing) that can be found here (and it looks like an MT blog so you get all that good XML/RSS stuff as well but trackback appears to be turned off). Apparently his latest project is a fugly 412.

Posted by Ozguru at July 3, 2003 04:07 PM


i think i've entered a new hidden world, not really sure about trackback (i'll see if i can switch it on) the blog is more about how odd life is and how odd the strange things we do are... as to winning in the bus I just returned from the european summer nationals where i won four rounds and only lost in the final by 0.006 of a second.... just as well because if i'd won the summernats i'd have wet myself laughing, which inside a fireproof race suit would not be pleasant...

Posted by: dan at July 3, 2003 04:07 PM

Six months later and the poor Fugly is now up for sale. If you live in the UK. Check it out.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 3, 2003 04:07 PM