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July 08, 2003


Thanks to MommaBear who pointed me to On The Third Hand, where I spotted a tip off about YAPPS (Yet Another PayPal Scam) which is documented here . I had a bad time with PayPal once before (winge winge moan moan) but they are really the only game in town (Yes! I have tried BidPay BUT BidPay is really strict about the definition on an auction - 'BuyNow' is not allowed, combining auctions is not allowed, correcting postage shortages are not allowed). So if you have to use them, be smart and be careful. Never click on emailed links without confirming them.
Also while you are checking On The Third Hand, don't forget to take a squiz at the secrets of blogging. On the more serious hand, there is an entry with links to Iranian blogs.

Posted by Ozguru at July 8, 2003 01:07 PM
