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July 08, 2003

A slice of history

We all put effort into our work. We all put even more effort into our hobbies. Sometimes those hobbies become a monumental tribute to the effort that is put into them.

I have a brother (actually I have four brothers) who has poured out his heart and soul into developing a web site around his non-computing passion - Holden Cars.

If you are not from Australia, this passion may seem a little strange (it may seem strange even if you are Australian) but when we were growing up, out neighbourhood has a two car world. You had a FixOrRepairDaily or a Holden. We had a Holden and Pete became a Holden fanatic. He wasn't the only one, there was even a TV show dedicated to the most popular model of the day (Kingswood Country starring Ted Bullpit).

Back to the topic, Pete's fascination led to a web site that documented everything he could find about Holdens. It was well received and very popular. Then he met the official Holden historian who offered to share all his resources (photo, specs, inside information) to further extend the web site. It was a marriage of convenience for both parties, the historian had the data, Pete had the skills.

Then reality struck. To do this properly would need more space online and the current site was being paid for (and maintained) by Pete. Then there was the time component, all this extra material needed to be collated, sorted, catalogued, you name it. Finally there was a new interest in Pete's life (with the knot to be tied in November) which will require some of his available time. Pete made what has probably been the second hardest decision of his life (I mean after getting engaged) and has put the site and all its information (and the arrangements with the historian) up on eBay.

I dunno. The starting price of $AU500 (less than that in $US!) seems awfully small compared to all the effort that has gone into that site over a number of years. If you are into Holdens or have a vision of building a profitable web site, check out the auction. Otherwise, pass the information onto someone else who might be interested.


Posted by Ozguru at July 8, 2003 10:07 PM


Hey... dont make me cry!!

Posted by: Peskie at July 8, 2003 10:07 PM