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July 09, 2003


What is it with these idiots? Is this a competition for silliest suggestions? Why pick that as a logo to start with? Whats with the objections? Is the revised logo any better?
While we are being silly, I wonder if anyone checked to see if the elephants were a monogamous (married?) pair? For that matter, I wasn't even aware that AIDS/HIV was able to infect elephants. I had heard os a simian version but a pachyderm edition?
Ahh, the penny dropped - it's that old joke: What do mating elephants have to do with organising an AIDS conference? Answer: It's done at a high level and involves a lot of trumpeting and bellowing!

Due to the vanishing nature of articles in the SMH, here is a copy of the item. Feel free to use the correct link provided above as this is only a backup precaution:
No condom, so elephant sex logo criticised
Thai community groups wanted to use a logo featuring two elephants having sex for next year's World AIDS conference in Bangkok but the plan was criticised by health authorities because the bull was not using a condom.
"The logo fails to convey any meaning," Dr Sombat Tanprasertsuk of the Thai government's disease control department was quoted as saying in the Nation newspaper.
"There is only one message which people will get: that community workers are obsessed with sex. And it doesn't show the male elephant wearing a condom."
The official logo for the meeting depicts three elephants standing in line. Elephants are Thailand's national symbol.

Posted by Ozguru at July 9, 2003 05:07 PM
