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July 09, 2003

Blog Linking

You never know your luck ....
I was checking the Blog Ecosystem to see how "me mates" (that's Strine - not a grammatical error) Paul, Glenn and Jivha were doing, when I spotted some (previously) unvisited site as a referrer. Well, you all know me, got to do the right thing, so I clicked on the link and checked out the site.
Hmmm. No idea what the title means (yet), a few neat stories: Freedom of Speech, PayPal, blog ecosystem mammal? and how he found BotB. Yeah, looks good. Offers to reverse link. Cool. Content OK. Check out the top (hadn't loaded when I started) of the page and find this: "An occasional blog by a gay gum-nut in Vermont. Opinions about all sorts of stuff I know nothing about". I couple of blinks and it turns out that was "gun-nut" not "gum-nut" but I am afraid the picture of a gum-nut is going to stick in the memory.
Hmmm. Here's where I have to see if I can practice what I preach. What was I talking about the other day ... about discrimination ... I don't care about Vermont (where is that anyway? - I think USA and I think maple syrup but I need to check it out), I can even accept the gum-nut (I grew up on a farm where we used to shoot the rats, snakes and other pests) but I hestitate about the gay bit. For historical reasons I find I am somewhat prejudiced but I find that I have to overrule myself here - I should not judge Jeff on his preferences, nor preach to him as long as he extends the same courtesy to me. His blog is interesting and he is almost certainly someone that would be fun to meet an chat with and so I will link to his site.
Why tell you this - because I think it shows that sometimes it is easy to pontificate on a blog but it can be harder to actually deal with things. Good luck Jeff, thanks for the links, I will add an entry to the blogroll next time I am near the server (as opposed to posting remotely).

BTW: My grandpa always used to finish that saying as: "You never know your luck till a dead horse kicks you". My kids prefer: "You never know your luck till a dead fish bites you". Anyone else got some varients?

Posted by Ozguru at July 9, 2003 09:07 PM


The Ecosystem does not seem to cover blogs @ rediffblogs...something I noticed only today....

Posted by: jivha at July 9, 2003 09:07 PM