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July 10, 2003

Renewal of .Mac

I have to admit it - I am a .mac subscriber. I have been since day 3 (or 4) and it is getting near to renewal time. There has been lots of discussions about incentives offered to get users to renew but apparently these offers are geographically limited. Here is a copy of my letter to .Mac (sent via feedback). I doubt it will help but maybe someone will be listening:

I have seen lots of discussion on the net (e.g. www.appleturns.com) about the renewal bonus that includes The Sims. I have been in two minds about renewing - .Mac is great but VERY expensive in $AU given that I have my own domain anyway - BUT the option to get the Sims bundled plus a discount on the expansion packs was enough to make me decide to renew. So far, so good. I log on and cannot find the offer anywhere.
Is this going to be like that mythical store voucher that was promised and never delivered? or the free prints offer that was never available to the geographically challenged? or the ITMS which is also not available outside one small country in the northern part of the american continent?
Please! I am a "faithful" mac user (and shareholder) and I would love to see some parity here for non-usa users. Please make the offer available to all .mac users. If you can't do that, maybe you should be making local .macs in different countries.

Posted by Ozguru at July 10, 2003 12:07 PM


This letter (and others like it) must have worked. By the time my renewal rolled around they had extended the offer to us Aussies. What they also did was bill us in $AU and charge GST so it was a lot more expensive than a simple $US to $AU conversion. I think I need to organise a PO Box in the US to get round some of this stupidity.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 10, 2003 12:07 PM