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July 12, 2003

Jivha has moved!

Oy! Everyone out there looking for Jivha, he has shifted and can now be found at jivha - the tongue. I understand what the tongue is about (coz I read the explanation on the old blog) but I liked the latin as well. I think there should at least be a passing reference somewhere (or maybe the blog subtitle) because I thought it was a clever phrase that fits the "theme" that runs through the articles. Anyway, he has moved and now the RSS feed (see right hand column) is working (just under the links section).

Congratulations Jivha - I'm sure you will get value for your money! (And if I get many more outages, I might have to join you!)

Posted by Ozguru at July 12, 2003 10:07 AM


Yes I know Ozguru...even I didn't wanna retire the old message but the overall message was getting too confusing... I am gonna retain the old message and the logic for the change in a section of the site once I get by designing it though.

Posted by: jivha at July 12, 2003 10:07 AM