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July 12, 2003

Slow I am...

The recent guest editorial by 'howarde' has generated a bit of mail (and more comments). I have finally (after a long day at the zoo and a couple of panadine) had the chance to check out the author and discovered that he has his own site and there is a longer version of the same article here.

I have added the site to the must-read list and will check it out later. I do note in passing that, contrary to this entry, I can truly say I am colourblind! True it is blue-green colourblindness which doesn't really defeat Howard's discussion about "racial" blindness. Without being too arrogant, I would like to claim to (or at least try to live up to the ideal of) judging people as people - not as black / white / green / catholic / protestant / hindu / buddhist / etc.

Thanks again for the feedback and the guest article!

Posted by Ozguru at July 12, 2003 10:07 AM
