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July 14, 2003


Just back from the birthday trek - a four day odyssey involving the zoo, great grandparents, grandparents, and God-parents. A good 400 - 500 kms on the car and two exhausted parents. Kids still seem to have energy. No idea how but if scientists could tap it, we would have solved the energy crisis as it appears to be an infinitely renewable resource.

Anyway, flicking through the must read blogs and email, I happened to spot this item on Cogito Ergo DoleoJivha the tongue about wearing a tie. Now if you are a guy then you know what I am about to say - ties are the silliest item of apparel ever invented (except perhaps for flared trousers, shoulder pads or hats that look like upside down flowerpots). I had a call to attend an "urgent" interview for a consulting position once and I had been working "in the back office" (i.e. away from customers). Naturally I was attired in comfortable clothes (jeans, t-shirt, sneakers). Well if the interview was urgent, I didn't have time to change so I went as I was. No problems with the technical quiz, no problem with the specifications, they asked for a rate, I gave them one. Everything was AOK. Then as I was leaving they asked if I always dressed like "that" because they were used to more formal attire. I assured them that I would wear business shirt and trousers. The boss hesitated and then asked "what about a tie?". Quick as a flash I responded - "that would be $5.00/hour more" (about 6% increase). "Never mind" he said and since then I never have (minded).
So Jivha, keep in mind that enduring the additional discomfort can be offset by an appropriate remuneration adjustment. You just need to set the price and once the economists latch onto the fact that t-shorts are cheaper the call will be to ban ties for the economic good of the corporation.

Posted by Ozguru at July 14, 2003 10:07 PM


Yeah Ozguru...unfortunately the company doesn't care two hoots about what we have to wear(tie or tee) simply because they don't have to spend any money on it... And what's with the HUGE link to an absent page???

Posted by: jivha at July 14, 2003 10:07 PM

erm.... need a " after the / and before the > It should read /">Jivha the Tounge. So Jivha, keep...

Posted by: Peskie at July 14, 2003 10:07 PM

Ummm. Hardware problem - nut loose on keyboard. Keeps forgetting to type "/". I need an automatic slash generator.... Now where were those bastille day links.....

Posted by: Ozguru at July 14, 2003 10:07 PM