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July 16, 2003

Political Affiliation

Hmm. There is this online quiz about your political affiliation: Quizilla. Sort of cool to do because not being American, I have no idea what the American parties believe. I sort of figure, the one thing that is sure is that I won't be whatever Bush is because I think he is making a big mistake in the way he handles foreign affairs.
First question is about the draft: well we have never had conscription here because the soldiers have always voted against it. Next something about a melting pot? Huh? Oh well, I figure if you live in Australia, you should be Australian first (ethnicity comes second) - you can't live in Australia and be a citizen and honestly call yourself 'Irish' or 'Lebanese' or whatever. So I pick option 3. Next question is wierd (not the question but the answers) and I can't pick more than one. No to marriage, no to civil union. The others are pretty much hit and miss. Illegal drugs = jail (easy question - break the law, take the rap. Don't like the law, change it). Abortion - just say No! (I'm Catholic) but maybe in a rape case.... Now we have to pick a few: Gore should have won (well he did on the recount), national parks, workers, tax cuts, trees and education.

Result (a bit of a shock really):

Republican Pary
Repuplican, The middle class is very important to

Want to know what political party you really are?
brought to you by Quizilla

I wonder if the results are skewed by an outside perspective?

Posted by Ozguru at July 16, 2003 04:07 PM


Hmm. Quizilla uses a donkey for the democrats but GWB for the republicans. Why not use an elephant (or contrarywise, why not use Clinton for the democrats)? I also had no idea that there was a bison party. The tree party and the hammer/sickle mob were obvious.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 16, 2003 04:07 PM