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July 17, 2003


Another SMH dubious story. Let me guess, the reason he is embarrassed is that someone laughed at the goods on display. I am told that is the quickest way to deal with someone exposing themselves and it would fit. On the other hand maybe the Yeoman who did the tackling or the police later explained that you need to be pretty well endowed to tackle such a challenge :-).

It's funny but when I was young my grandparents would still say things like: "You'll never get to take dinner with the Queen if you don't have better table manners" or "clean hands" or a "tucked-in-shirt" etc. I remember thinking it would be too much trouble getting ready and so I must turn down any invitations to tea with the Queen. Mind you, I don't ever recall being told that I could go to the Queen's garden party and then take off my trousers and run around starkers. It is funny what the grandparents forgot to tell me.


Embarrassed' teen streaker says sorry to Queen
A teenager who streaked across the lawn at the queen's summer garden party is "extremely embarrassed" by his actions, his father said today.
The 17-year-old, who has not been named, is writing a letter of apology to the queen after his stunt at Buckingham Palace yesterday.
The blond-haired youth, who was attending the event with his family, pulled down his trousers and blue and white striped boxer shorts and charged across the neatly cut grass of the palace grounds in front of 8,000 guests.
The crowds of onlookers cheered as he was rugby tackled and apprehended by a Yeoman of the Guard dressed in red and gold ceremonial costume.
His father - a teacher from the south of England - apologised in a statement issued through Buckingham Palace.
"He regarded it as an honour to attend the royal garden party," the father, who has also not been named, said.
"He is extremely embarrassed by the incident and regrets any discourtesy.
"I would like to apologise for the ill-considered actions of my son."
A Buckingham Palace spokeswoman said: "We understand that the father of the young man involved in this streaking incident has apologised.
"We also understand that the young man concerned is writing a letter of apology to the queen.
"We regard the matter as now closed."
The youth was not arrested, but spoken to by the police and later escorted out of the palace grounds.

Posted by Ozguru at July 17, 2003 08:07 AM
