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July 21, 2003

More stupid things people say

[Ed: Originally posted on Slumbering Pierrot, Jul 23]

Seeing as the topics have not changed and I still have no idea about music and politicians (I wouldn't want to make beautiful music with any of them) I will have to find some more stupid things that people (especially politicians) say.

Target #1 today is Chamberlain. This was pointed out to me after the last article. His claim of "peace in our time" had to be the silliest thing anyone has said since one drunk student dared another drunk student to take a pot shot at some archduke bloke (which started WW1). Sorry for overlooking this one last time.

Target #2 may upset some Americans so I will tread carefully. A certain US general made certain claims when forced to retreat by the Japanese in WW2. Lets be a little more precise: he said "I will return" with reference to the evacuation of Singapore. Now one of my many great uncles was present when the great man "returned" and regardless of his personal bravery elsewhere, he would not come ashore (or his staff would not allow him to come ashore) because of the risk of Japanese snipers. The Australian soldiers who had cleared the area and swept the hills with regular patrols had to come out to the ship (my great uncle among them) and convince him that it would be safe to come ashore. Maybe he should have said something more like "I'll get someone else to deal with you later" ....

Target #3 (just to be equitable) is an Australian Prime Minister (you know who you are) who cried on national television and said "by the year 1999, no Australian child shall live in poverty". This was later amended to replace the word 'shall' with the word 'need'. The way to this was of course to tax the rich and pay those earning below average more so they could be above average (this was from the worlds greatest treasurer (*1) at the time). Given the size of said prime ministers retirement benefits and free travel bonus, I suggest any poverty striken child should know where to go (hint: he is in the phone book).

*1 Note: In the interests of factual reporting it must be made clear that there was one votor and only one choice because any other combination gave an alternate response.

Posted by Ozguru at July 21, 2003 07:07 AM
