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July 21, 2003

Blog roundup (late again)

Well the special "round the blogs" bus is ready to roll. Management apologize for the delay but the smallest member of the family has pneumonia which has (and still is) sort of disrupting things a bit.

Over at Tiny Little Lies there is an article on hunting women with paint balls. Unfortunately this has now been debunked by Snopes. Hint for the terminally bored: Checkout the other debunked legends on snopes, and then email them to all your friends as if they were real.

Paul claims that he hasn't fallen off the earth but I am not sure if I believe him. I think it has something to do with "trying to get a life" but I gave up on that after reading Terry Pratchett's comment that he was too busy to "get a life". BTW in case you were wondering, I think Paul had a Zil fetish. See also here, here and here (almost need a new category for them). I prefer the photo of Saddam and the dancing goons.

Jivha seems to be settling into his new environmennt and in between the serious items he has this gem about "Blah and sons". Reminds me of the old (but tricky) question about how many consecutive times you can use the word "and" in a sentance (the relevance will become clearer when I give you the answer which is 5). Like Paul he has apparently vanished for the weekend.

Pete has been trying out the racetrack at Bathurst. Note for Americans, that the speed is kilometers per hour not miles. To convert you multiple by 5 and divide by 8 then add 32 less the number you first thought of and then cross out the answer and write "really fast for an old car" or something like that. I also like the photo-of-the-day (cat surrendering) which Theepan send me and I sent Pete (he is my brother and I am allowed to do that!).

The shared blog (Slumbering Pierrot) is suffering from angst. The topics last week including "Stupid things politicians say" and "Popular music and politics". Given that I have no idea about popular music (is that like "Achy Breaky Heart"?) I blathered on about pollys. BTW, if you like that blog, leave some comments or email the coordinator (Glenn from "Hi I'm Black") or it is likely to vanish into thin air. [Why is air thin?]

Glenn (talk about a smooth segue between comments) is spreading himself a bit thin. As well as his regular blog (check out the "suspected" terrorist, apartment hunting and the blogroll debate), he also has another blog and co-ordinates Sleeping Pierrot. He also wants to get into writing more about baseball (which is sort of cricket with more people doing stuff). [BTW on the blog roll debate, it's no big deal - I myself have dropped from Glenn's Daily Read list but it's no sweat. Even if you worry about links, the blog ecology does not check what category your link is filed under! - more on this to follow in a separate item.]

On the educational front, USS Clueless has a cool article about the question of statehood and Hawaii. This is currently relevant because of thesilly suggestions that Australia should be come a state of the US (or actually as I pointed out before, a number of states).

Meanwhile Happy Furry Puppy is apparently outing all the Texans and investigating the relative honesty of political advisors. There is also an interesting spot on Indonesia form an American perspective. Don't forget that Indonesia is the biggest military threat to Australia, has often stated that it would like to expand into "South Irian" (we call it Australia), is really annoyed about East Timor, has forgotten that they owe us for their existence and has a military that was trained and fitted out by us!

Just an ordinary guy is raving on about some Pepsi Contest. He also has recommendations on dealing worth boredom. Personally I have to say I was backing Biff in this encounter. BTW check out his URL - it is a real ".us" address unlike all the fakers (like me) with ".com" addresses. Every wondered why I have a ".com" and not a ".com.au"?

The (serious) Russian has an item on policing iraq and another on the Andrew flag. I did not know that St. Andrew was the patron saint of Russia as well as Scotland. I though the only thing in common was the liquor (whiskey and vodka).

Jeff has some suggestions for a new blog but he is looking for some MT help. I got a lot of help from the forums and following links in the MT-Plugins discussions.

I just discovered that my normal typing stupidity has mucked up one of the links on the right. The link is supposed to go to AMCGLTD but the c and g appeared to be cross dressing or something. Anyway, there is an item on retaining your sanity presumably outside Walmart if you were travelling with Micah. There is also an entry on the renaming of email in France. (See Alex(ei), I didn't say that - someone else did).

This summary is way to long, so lets be quick on the rest for this week. Dean has a story about a blog party (too far for me to go). Jaboobie has a long (but interesting) posting on why he had to reset the some spam and appears to recommend an About Me page (I will try and hang one off the logo). Utterly Boring has a way to make like harder for the RIAA by blocking access. Anivita has relented and is posting again (while on holidays) (here and here). Must be 10 years since I had a good holiday.... Apparently Damien catches a train to work instead of a bus :-)

Finally, Electric Venom claims that I'd be a lousy lover because I have no back hair but I have potential because I have big ears....

Answers to random questions:
The five consecutive "and" sentance is where a fellow paints a sign on a store that reads "Smith and Sons Ltd Greengrocers" but the spacing is irregular. There are four spaces, the first two were narrow and the last two were wider. The owner complains to the painter: "I want more space between "Smith" and "and" and "and" and "Sons".

I do actually own the domain "guru-international.com.au" but it costs more per year than "guru-international.com" does for a decade. I used to use the "com.au" but will probably let it lapse at the end of the current lease. It is currently parked because my ISP wanted more per month to "host" it than I paid the registrar per year to own it.

Posted by Ozguru at July 21, 2003 05:07 PM


So, who's the smart money in Vegas putting their money on? Indonesia or Australia? I am currently unable to predict the outcome of this hypothetical crisis, because "The Simpsons" has never produced an episode that focused entirely on Indonesia.

Posted by: Norbizness at July 21, 2003 05:07 PM

Lets see ... take a country with some military technology and skill. Get them to train up some psycopathic third world paranoids. Supply paranoids with weapons as well as skills. Offer free training, free weapons upgrades and cheap uranium. Wait 10 years. Wonder why Iraq Indonesia is so much of a problem ... Looks like we learned the wrong lessons somewhere. Funny how much the previous government of the "worlds greatest treasurer" (as judged by a comittee of one - himself) crawled all over our Asian neighbours which resulted in desroying any respect they ever had for us.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 21, 2003 05:07 PM

Tour de Blog Yes, I know that I'm a couple of days late, but, although the flesh was willing, the mind just wasn't

Posted by: Paul Jané at July 21, 2003 05:07 PM