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July 26, 2003


Writing the last entry with a reference to Jivha's blog reminds me of a really old corney riddle/joke.

Q: Why do all old women keep a dog, a cat and a parrot?

A: It's the closest thing to a man that they can get. The dog growls, the cat stays out all night and the parrot swears. And none of them listen to a word she says :-)

That in turn reminds me of something a mentor once told me:

You can never understand women. They will always do the opposite of what you expect, even if you expect them to do the opposite. Take menopause. Different for every woman. Men have it way easier. All men get menopause and do exactly the same thing .... they buy a sports car and pick up chicks!

Posted by Ozguru at July 26, 2003 07:07 AM


Old Women Q: Why do all old women keep a dog, a cat and a parrot? A: It's the closest thing to a man that they can get. The dog growls, the cat stays out all night and the parrot swears. And none of them listen to a word she says :-) [Stolen from Ozguru]...

Posted by: Rofl at July 26, 2003 07:07 AM