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July 28, 2003

Blog Roundup

Well maybe it was all about the oil after all. That is the theme of an article over at Teacherish. A name like that fits the sign mentioned some time ago :-).

Jaboobie is getting tired of people who use the extended article with nothing in it. I agree. I try to use the extended article only when the content is either (a) not mine (e.g. copy of a vanishing news item) or (b) possibly offensive. In both cases I try to let people know what is there. Actually with a news aggregator, who don;t know becuase it takes you direct to the archived item (which usually contains all parts
of the article).

Brett Simmons mentions that Minsky apparently now agrees that AI is brain-dead. Is he offering to return any of the money he spent? The thing that struck me heavily when I studied AI (part of Cognitive Science at UNSW) was that the AI reseach field seemed to be over promising and under delivering. Apart from one Expert System (RDR) almost all the other end-results were so specialised as to be useless as generic AI tools.

Pete want to restart the multi-class Bathurst race (just like the good old days). He also has a couple of good movie reviews.

AMCGLTD has an interesting point on the cost of reconstruction in Iraq being paid via the confiscated funds of the former government. On a related topic, USS Clueless lays it on the line for the Saudis.

Utterly boring who are expecting also receive more interesting SPAM that I do. There is also a great apology which was not written by Robin Williams.

Tiny Little Lies managed to avoid jury duty by being a lawyer and also has some comments on the posting of the images of the Hussein corpses.

Thanks to Paul and his pointer to Denise who in turn pointed to Wizbang I now have trackbacks on the main page. This is a "Good Thing" (tm) because when you link to one of my articles, you automagically get a blog ecology link. You too can be a marsupial like Paul.

Paul also has some interesting articles on Cuba, Private Jessica and Gypsies in England.

Read and Enjoy!.

[Ed: I already covered Glenn and Jivha earlier on the weekend]

Posted by Ozguru at July 28, 2003 07:07 PM


Whooohooo, gratuitous linkage! Thanks, Ozguru. :-)

Posted by: Paul at July 28, 2003 07:07 PM

And a trackback link too!!!

Posted by: Ozguru at July 28, 2003 07:07 PM

Tour de Blog - Stage I The last time I did a full Tour de Blog, it took me about four hours, so, from now on,

Posted by: Paul Jané at July 28, 2003 07:07 PM

Tour de Blog - Stage I The last time I did a full Tour de Blog, it took me about four hours, so, from now on,

Posted by: Paul Jané at July 28, 2003 07:07 PM

Tour de Blog - Stage I The last time I did a full Tour de Blog, it took me about four hours, so, from now on,

Posted by: Paul Jané at July 28, 2003 07:07 PM