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July 29, 2003

Who is the King of Scotland?

Over at All AgitProp, Paul has an article that mentions a claim by (the soon to be late) Idi Amin who claims (among other ridiculous things) to be the "King of Scotland". That is really annoying. After leaving a comment, I went searching though my records (I seem to remember doing this about 18 months ago for someone else who wanted to know). There are two possible solutions, the English answer or the more correct answer :-) Jacobite answer.

According to the English Royal website, the last Jacobite claimant (Stuart family) was Henry IX or more correctly: Prince Henry Benedict, Cardinal York (1725 - 1807). They also claim that he left all jewels, records and everything else to the future George IV.

On the other hand, the English Royals do have a vested interest in the matter as it could effect stability in Scotland. A more disinterested source is the online wikipedia which has both an entry for Henry as well as a more detailed entry on the Jacobite claim. This specifically states that the claim to the throne passed to the house of Savoy. The current (living heir) is Francis II (Duke Francis of Bavaria). Check the linked entry for the full succession.

I feel I have a vested interest as some distant relatives were minor (not royal) Stuarts (Stuart of Bute) and they fought with Charlie and fled to France afterwards.

Posted by Ozguru at July 29, 2003 09:07 AM


Can't we just all agree that it's Elizabeth II, and call it a day...? :-)

Posted by: Paul at July 29, 2003 09:07 AM

Not 2nd Betty? Ob. Joke: Why does Prince Charles like wearing kilts? Answer: Because his knobbly knees distract from his big ears :-) Betty is not a bad old chook but what happens after she packs it in? Not sure I would give tuppence for the rest of them. Mind you, if we could elect one then I'd vote for my bother-in-law because he sounds posh enough ... also I don't think that he would send his son here to experience "a bit of rough" like Charlie did.

Posted by: Ozguru at July 29, 2003 09:07 AM