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July 30, 2003

Zil Fetish

There are a number of blogs out there which have cars as the main theme or an important side note. Examples would include Pete who posts photos of rallys and talks about designing websites, and Accidento who races buses and (as far as I can tell) restores strange vehicles.

These however pale into insignificance when compared to the man with the Zil-fetish. For goodness sake, I don't even know what a Zil is. I call up the local dealership and ask him:
Me: "Ahmm. Gday. Gotta Zil for sale?"
Him: "Huh? This is a DELETED car yard, we have all the best cars!"
Me: "Yeah, Gotta Zil?"
Him: "What's a Zil?"
Me: "It's a car, I think."
Him: "Naw. No such thing mate, someone's pulling your leg."
Me: "It's a Russian car."
Him: "Ha Ha. Why do Russian cars have rear window warmers?"
Me: "I dunno."
Him: "To keep your hands warm while you push."

Normal by day (or is that night), every now an then exposure to an unknown substance causes Paul to turn into the Zil man. He then starts posting inexplicable pictures of strange people standing in, on or near Zils. Sometimes the Zils are NAKED and completely unattended.....

The proof can be found here (check the extended article for another picture), here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here (almost a Zil).

I think that the "Buy Paul a Zil fund" has merit. Maybe that would help with his Zil-fetish :-)

Mind you, the Zil-fetish has not stopped his climb up the evolutionary ladder....

Posted by Ozguru at July 30, 2003 12:07 PM


I'd better start posting pictures of Aston-Martins or Bentleys before this all gets out of hand... *lol*

Posted by: Paul at July 30, 2003 12:07 PM