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August 01, 2003


Over at the SMH they have a story about Amrozi (the alleged mastermind behind the Bali bombings which killed about equal numbers of Muslims and non-Muslim). Could someone please let him know about the work of this German scholar. Maybe Amrozi would be less defiant and more remorseful if he realised that he was only going to get "white raisins and juicy fruits" instead of "houris with swelling breasts". Maybe then a martyrs death might lose some of the attraction :angry.

Posted by Ozguru at August 1, 2003 07:08 PM


Heh heh...I suspect that non-Muslims are going to use the "white raisins and juicy fruits" instead of "houris with swelling breasts" taunt for a long time to come ;-) Without sounding bigotic, doesn't it appear that it's mostly muslims who're willing to die(and kill others) in the real world for infinite riches in the next? Wonder what the Koran says about the sanctity of life :-/

Posted by: Jivha at August 1, 2003 07:08 PM

Hmmm. Don't forget that Christians have done similar things before in history (think Crusades) but generally they have acknowledged the error of the fanaticism and got on with it. The Muslims are currently the butt of the jokes because they are still promoting such idiots as being heroes.

Posted by: Admin at August 1, 2003 07:08 PM