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August 07, 2003

More Changes

Thanks to young Pete (who for some reason doesn't appear on the Blog Friends list - I could have sworn I fixed that) and also some hints from ScriptyGoddess I think I have fixed all of the issues raised by readers (especially Mr. Jivha).

The funny bar at the top appears to be an artifact from the template conversion. It doesn't always appear but next time it does, let me know and I will put it in as a bug. Normally under TypePad you construct a template with drag and drop, click and twiddle. As a Pro user you can then 'Convert' the template (which now becomes an [Advanced] template) and then edit the HTML. There doesn't appear to be a way to reverse this. So I fiddle the normal template and then convert and make my changes. If I need to change, I repeat the whole sequence. What appear to happen was that after the conversion, the line appears in some browsers, some of the time ....

Next the lines. There should only be a single line under the date. The comment box no longer appears as a line (because the box is inside the comment loop and if there are no comments the loop doesn't happen). The trackback box also no longer appears as a line because of a little bit of javascript adopted from ScriptyGoddess (article linked above).

Finally the background colours have been lightened a touch to make things a little easier to read. I realise that I should have made the white colour in the humour images transparent before posting them because the white on pale yello looks a bit strange. Oh well, next time.

Pete also asked about including more space in the comment boxes. This was another browser dependant thing. Some of the browsers I used were OK and some were not. Pete kindly suggested using   to get around it but I found an easier method of adding padding to the style tag. I would still prefer to move the style code into the style sheet but never mind, at least it works.

If anyone wants the code, just let me know and I'll email it (or post it, if there are many requests).

Posted by Ozguru at August 7, 2003 12:08 PM


Just to let you know, I get many script errors when viewing the page today

Posted by: Peskie at August 7, 2003 12:08 PM

Thanks for that detailed error list :-) I worked out the problem was not using backslash before carriage return in a multi-line write. I could have sworn it was OK but anyway.... Fixed that and then discovered I was using comment counts instead of ping counts. Then I discovered that there is no MTPingCount tag.... Lots of reading and searching, found this useful site but in the end the answer was to use MTEntryTrackbackCount. Checked in OmniWeb with the JavaScript console and there are no errors (fingers crossed) BUT that stupid line at the top on IE appears to have returned. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!

Posted by: Admin at August 7, 2003 12:08 PM

Some guy at work had an inverted line. There was a body coloured line on top of the right column :-( I can't pin down enough details to submit a bug and I don't want to waste their time chasing it. If anyone else can see it consistently, please let me know. A screenshot of the intersection of the body/side panel/header would be helpful. Thanks.

Posted by: ozguru at August 7, 2003 12:08 PM