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August 11, 2003

Performance Review

[Posted Monday afternoon - after the effects have worn off ... appraisal day is next Monday!]

It's Monday morning. A combination of a busy weekend, insufficient sleep, panadine forte (for a migraine) and flu medication are having an impact. There is an almost surreal effect like being out of one's body observing oneself. I am watching myself get off the bus on the way to work. There is a mild degree of curiosity as to how I can observe myself but not enough to disturb the effect. The observed says something to the bus driver ("Thanks") and gets down the steps to the footpath and sets off along the street. It is early morning and it is cold. Note too cold but chilly enough to keep jackets buttoned and hats on heads. The first walk light appears (near the fire station). Normally the subject will cross this light when the road is clear as this is a one way street and there are few cars turning left at this intersection. Today, he hesitates and waits for a full lights cycle for the little green man to appear. Although he crosses the road briskly and walks along, his footsteps are slowing. It is almost like treacle around his ankles as he struggles to pull himself forward. Fortunately the shops are not yet open or window shopping could slow the subject even further. By the next intersection the bold stride is no more than a slow walk, barely faster than a crawl. Any moment you expect the figure to halt, rooted to the pavement. The next light turns green and the figure shuffles forward. What could be making it so hard to get to work? What is the negative force holding him away from a pay packet? The penny drops with a sick realization, this is performance review week where every mistake will be analyzed and dissected. Every success credited elsewhere.

The only motivation to cross the threshold comes from the thought: well at least it won't make any difference to the bonus this year. No matter what the rating, when applied to a bonus of $0 there is no payout :-)

Posted by Ozguru at August 11, 2003 05:08 PM


Hmmm...mine comes up in October...guess I should start some "image management" already... I have an interesting (theretical)observation on your comment "this is performance review week where every mistake will be analyzed and dissected. Every success credited elsewhere." If the above statement is true for all then: which employees get credit for good work done(since that is automatically credit to someone else) during performance appraisal week? Only pointy-haired?

Posted by: Jivha at August 11, 2003 05:08 PM

Weekend Blues It has been a busy weekend. If you were keeping track (i.e. completely bored and had nothing else to do) there were a number of mysterious blank entries that kept appearing and disappearing like clockwork. This was the result of a number of spectacular...

Posted by: GDay Mate at August 11, 2003 05:08 PM