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August 12, 2003

Question Virus

I have been suckered into the question virus (it wasn't hard, I put my hand up for it). The interviewer is none other than Happy Furry Puppy Story Time. The questions and answers are below.

Now for the rules (quoted from Norbizness):

As a condition of being interviewed, I must now become an interviewer of another blogger out there. If you agree to be interviewed (by leaving a comment to this post), you must also agree to the following conditions, or I will be hunted down by the people who started this thing and slapped silly:

1) If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me."
2) I will respond by asking you five questions (not the same as you see here).
3) You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.
4) You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5) When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

I'm only going to come up with a single set of five questions. As many commenters within the next 24 hours can participate in feeding this exponentially growing viral interviewitis.

Allowing for time, space and the strangeness of timezones, I will grant you until 5:00PM Wednesday (Australian Eastern Standard Time) to respond (it is currently 7:00 AM Tuesday).

The Five Questions
(1) If you could have dinner with four contemporary public figures, where everybody's entree (except for yours) was heavily flavored with strychnine, who would the guests be and why?
I would use the opportunity to clean some things up. Number one quest would have to be the smiling fruitcake. Number two would be Saddam (that would mean that the USA owes me big because I am going to collect that reward and add it to the inheritance in question 3). Number three would be the African fruitcake (Mugabe) for being a violent racist. At that point I have run out of personal targets so I would advertise the fourth spot in the Sydney underworld for lots of money (to add to the inheritance of course).

(2) If you could learn a musical instrument that you don't currently know, what would it be and who would be your ideal instructor?
Actually, I have a serious answer for this one. I would like to learn to play the organ (there is an unused one sitting in our church which no-one can play) and the best instructor I can think of woulr be my former flatmate Chriz Fredericks. Now if you want a more suggestive answer I would have to think really hard and say something like the pan (wink wink) pipes and a lonely shepherdess (wink wink).

(3) Old Uncle Giblet up and died and left you $3 million tax free bucks, which can only be spent on a piece of property (land, house, business). What do you spend it on?
Assume that is $US3 million (more like $4.5 here) plus the reward and the sale of the fourth seat in Q1 would be a nice little earner. I would buy a dairy/orchard on the south coast (or Tasmania) - about 50 acres (that's about half the money) and then a block of units somewhere central (city or eastern suburbs). The units would bring in enough income to pay someone else to milk the cows while I go on a trip to Canada.

(4) What's the one thing you think you offer on your weblog that zillions of other weblogs don't? Really?
My opinion. Absolutely, nobody else has unfettered access to my raw, unbridled, years of collected ignorance. You cannot go to such sterling sites as this one and find the collected ignorance of me.

(5) If you were limited to only reading three weblogs a day, who would they be and why? Please don't mention me, unless it's some sort of pity-based "honorable mention".
Sorry but I can't put your excellent site in the list because I am a voracious reader and I need LOTS of posts. Assuming that I can click the links on the page (but not to other weblogs) then I think the three targets would be Paul Jané who posts lots and lots about Canada, Fark because of the great articles (isn't that what you say about gentlemen's magazines - I only get it for the articles) and the third one would be my old blog because it has an embedded feed from Jivha and Pete as well as some others (I should include you as well). In fact, if I was restricted to only three blogs, I would add a lot more blogs to the embedded RSS feeder along with the full article....

Well that's all folks. If you want me to interview you, leave a comment and suffer the consequences.

Posted by Ozguru at August 12, 2003 07:08 AM


Interview me... if you dare

Posted by: Peskie at August 12, 2003 07:08 AM

Question Virus Welcome to the next link in the chain. The previous link (G'Day Mate) answered these questions, and then posted questions for me to answer. The rules: Originally from Happy Furry Puppy Story Time - 1) If you want to participate,...

Posted by: Random Riddled Ramblings at August 12, 2003 07:08 AM