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August 12, 2003

OptiMystic URL

In the last Blog Roundup, there was a newcomer (to the review, not to blogging) called OptiMystic (at TypePad) - one of the typepad blogs that I reviewed or mentioned. The owner (SuperSam) has advised that he will not be updating the typepad blog now that the beta is over. He will however, revert back to his previous blog at OptiMystic (at Blogspot). Feel free to update your links...

BTW, the head story on the blogspot site is currently about Sayyid Hussein Khomeini (grandson of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini - founder of the Iranian revolution). [Ed: and complete fruitcake]. Apparently the grandson is actually a liberal cleric (read the article for more details)...

SuperSam also provided a correct link for Anita who I had confused with Anvita.

Posted by Ozguru at August 12, 2003 03:08 PM
