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August 12, 2003


My little email icon is jumping up and down. Yup. New mail. Apparently someone left a comment on my old blog. Hit the refresh button and there it is:

Susie was here :)

Huh? Who is Susie? Is this virtual graffitti? Unlike my front fence I don't mind - it is easy to erase (if neccessary) and it means that Susie (whoever she is) is reading my blog. I always appreciate comments because it means that I am not talking to myself. Otherwise I could just go and did a King George and talk to the trees. I try to reply to comments by either - email, commenting on the comment or by leaving a comment on the other persons blog.

OK. Susie has left a valid email address and a blog. Check the blog. Hmmm. The email address on the blog does not match the one she left. Oh well, lets skim the articles. Here we go, found it:

I have to thank Tiger for this idea, for two reasons. The first is I just thought of it while leaving a comment at his blog, and the second is that he wrote a post awhile back commenting on the lack of comments relative to the number of visitors to his blog. So I think what I shall do is this: whenever I read a post I am going to leave a "comment" indicating that I read that post.
Now, as I wrote this morning I have BLA [although not as badly this evening as this morning (thank you Tim)] so, while so afflicted, it is probably not possible to make cogent rebuttals or witty ripostes as comments; therefore what I'm going to do if I can't think of anything amusing to say is just write "Susie was here" or something equally pointless, just so the blogwriter knows I not only read their words, but was struck commentless by the beauty and elegance of their prose...
Maybe I'll just leave punctuation....
{Gotta wonder how many bloggers I'm going to annoy the heck out of before I get bored with doing it...}

What a brilliant idea. Mind you I am not sure if I can cope with that many emails to reply to :-) Seriously it is worth considering.....

Now can I let you in on a little secret? Do you want to be on the top of the blog ecology? You can get there a lot of different ways, but here is an easy approach - if you leave a comment you will automagically get one link on the blog ecology. Same for a trackback. Those will continue to count until the article drops off the bottom of the page (about a month). So, once a month (or more often), leave a comment. Think of it as link preservation. You will also have the side effect of encouraging me to find your blog and add yet more links :-)

Posted by Ozguru at August 12, 2003 11:08 PM


Hi ozguru--thanks for the link! I found your "old" blog from someone who hasn't updated their blogroll I guess.... Will bookmark you with an eye to possible linkage and/or blogrolling...

Posted by: Susie at August 12, 2003 11:08 PM

Off the beaten track In keeping with my new policy of commenting where ever I go, I have discovered that some people actually read the comments to their blog! How cool is that? Way cool! So I am out doing my morning wander, and...

Posted by: Practical Penumbra at August 12, 2003 11:08 PM

Tour de Blog - Stage II Don't mind me, just spreading the lurrrrve... - Cyn appears to be vacationing in Hawaii (some people have all the

Posted by: Paul Jané at August 12, 2003 11:08 PM