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August 13, 2003

Staff Motivation V

Now that things are settling down (its been a week since the last rampage), send around a memo about appointing some outside consultants to advise on a restructure. Make sure that the names of thouse known to be in favour of outsourcing are linked with the consultants - either as consultants or advisors. Raise the fact that the cost cutting to date has been insufficient and that we are going "back to basics" like rotating rosters to increase coverage. Don't let the staff work out their own hours, insist that everyone has to take turns at both early and late shifts - that will be sure to upset everyone (even though some would be happy to work early and others late, noone wants to do both on different weeks). If anyone complaisn use the time honoured phrase: "We don't pay for the hours you work, we pay you to do the job, whatever that takes."

Posted by Ozguru at August 13, 2003 06:08 AM
