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August 18, 2003

Latest SCO Development

No this is not in the wrong section :-)

Check out this SCO article. It makes just as much sense as all the previous broadcasts from SCO :-)

Here is a little taste:

Lindon, UT - The SCO Group announced the launch of a campaign to shoot 1% of all babies born in the US. "Statistically, 1% of all people are Linux users. Rather than have these young hoodlums grow up without any respect for our intellectual property, we have chosen to nip it in the bud, as it were," said SCO's CEO, Darl McBride. In addition, during the campaign announcement, SCO said that individuals could pay $2,499 per child for immunity from execution. "The price goes up to $5,200 dollars after that family's firstborn reaches 18 months, so it is in their advantage to pony up now," McBride continued. The announcement brought cheers from SCO's chief investors and supporters, including the Gartner Group, and the BSA (Blind and Shortsighted Alliance). The organizations hailed it as "A brave, innovative step in the fight against intellectual piracy."
An RIAA spokesperson that was also present said that they were taking serious looks at SCO's proposal for fighting piracy in the music industry. "I think this will be a great deterrent. It will force parents to talk to their kids about the evils of intellectual piracy. In a free economy, this kind of thing is a must."

Posted by Ozguru at August 18, 2003 07:08 PM


Something wrong with this post Ozguru - lookit the link on Jiva...who's that chap???

Posted by: Jivha at August 18, 2003 07:08 PM

[Crawl's out of sick bed and randomly clicks on keys....] Huh? Link looks OK. Ahhh. Previous link is missing a closing quote. Bad typist. Fixed now. {Collapse on floor, woodchuck gets patient back into bed :-)]

Posted by: ozguru at August 18, 2003 07:08 PM

You know what? One's rank on TTLB means little. You can write utter crap and end up at the top and you can write total brilliance and be at the bottom. It's all about links. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Really. It's all about what YOU find interesting and those who find you interesting in return.

Posted by: Da Goddess at August 18, 2003 07:08 PM