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August 22, 2003

Blog Roundup


Due to a severe bout of gastroenteritis this week, this is going to be an abbreviated blog roundup. Hope that will not disappoint too many fans. One of the downsides of moving this over to typepad is that the stats are not in the same form as they used to be (not a complaint, just an observation) and it used to be cool to note that the Blog Roundup articles got three to four times as many hits as anything else on the blog.

Anyway, randomly starting with whatever comes to mind we have Utterly Boring, which is always full of short and interesting pointers to cool stuff. In this case we have this item which leads to 212 things skippy is not allowed to do in the army. (This is not Skippy as in the "Bush Kangaroo" - a kiddies TV program). Utterly Boring also has pointers on the question of Computer Licenses and Strange Politicians.

Synapse tread where I currently cannot go with this entry which references a column by Cringely. The discussion is about why IT shops DON'T use Macs, and the reason is obvious :-) There is also some discussion about music piracy (but that gets a whole entry next Tuesday).

AMCGLTD has stories on the real moon hoax and asking the right geek questions (link in story goes here).

No idea how I ended up here (probably after the skippy thing above) but found this which of course lacks some of the correct official beauracratese so someone else fixed it. BTW, appreciate the sentiment in the left column (Aussie flag + "We stand by our mates"). Excellent. Now all we need to do is work on that free trade agreement. In an interesting twist, there was also a review of an article over at our favourite Canadian blogger - yes, he is the only Canadian blogger I have had correspondence with, but apart from the Zil thing, he makes a great read :-).

Sure 'nuf, turns out that Paul has been busy. Not only with the Enola Gay story (that is the name of an aeroplane - not a new sexual preference thing) but also with keeping an eye on the Canadian military (they should have bought Zils) and still finds time to give Kofi a serve. If only I had read that before my own rant. May have added fuel to the fire. Note please, that neither of us are going as far as some apparently have. Sometime later I will have to tell a family history story about the Enola Gay but in the meantime Paul's item also got a tip of the hat from Andrew. Andrew in turn linked to what I hope is a parody.

Speaking of family stories, Pete has a great funny picture today (of a paintjob on a car bonnet) and has been running a series of Sex education articles (also here, here, here and here). He is also apparently making a killing on blogshares and still finds time to run a funny news stories site.

Also part of the funny news stories business is young Jivha who has been keeping a big secret (you will have to read the comments to find out more). On another note, I am afraid that the phrase "flying birdie" now has an entirely different connotation. I cannot imagine going through that at an age to be aware of it. Here the norm (when I was born) was to have it done at birth (I was) but it later changed (not all my four younger brothers were "done") and by the time my son was born it was not even considered possible. Jivha has also been commenting on adverts both local and remote. I also hate those online offers and deals that then turn out to be "available to residents of the 48 mainland states" or even worse that fall over when you try to use a non-US address on the order form. On a more serious note there was a long post about Pundits and comments. Personally I like the comments because I view them as a sort of conversation between the author and the reader. I try to respond to new readers with an email and to all comments with another comment or an email. Some sites pretty much ignore the comments (don't respond, don't email) in which case they may as well turn them off.

Speaking of turn-offs, we come naturally to turn-on's and apparently one lady blogger has been distracting the boys. She has also been trying to help form a typepad community. Another English blogger is trying to correct pronunciation but as an ore-stray-ian I have no idea what she is blithering (nice English word) on about. Of course, sc-arf and jer-arf rhyme and I vote for pl-ar-stik over plaas-tik, it sounds better. My sister lives in the UK and keeps coming back for visits with horrible words like dawn-ce (rhymes with ponce) instead of daan-ce (rhymes with France but they probably say Fronce anyway).

While I am with the bouquets, I have to send a nod to Interested Particpant who not only liked my rant, but actually pointed lots of users at it. Thanks for the linkage!

Finally, there is the story of how not to move a bed.

Posted by Ozguru at August 22, 2003 09:08 PM


Ha! Thanks for the trackback! Dance (not d-ar-nce) rhymes with France (not Fr-ah-nce) wherever you are in the UK. Giraffe / scarf does not. Giraffe rhymes with naff and scarf rhymes with calf! Of course! Fronce - never thought of that pronunciation before. Very posh. Bet the Queen says 'Fronce'.

Posted by: Kirsty at August 22, 2003 09:08 PM

And don't forget the old Room (R oooooo m), not Rom. A Rom is a CD. Oh, and Par-sta not Pah-sta. I only eat Par-sta

Posted by: Peskie at August 22, 2003 09:08 PM

Frooty Friday Here we are. OK. I'll start again mmmmmkay? Here I am. Why? I am here. So what if they read it there...FINE! Here I am (while there you are). Waddya mean. There can mean anywhere. Not here! No! They are...

Posted by: Random Riddled Ramblings at August 22, 2003 09:08 PM

Rounding up the Usual Suspects This was something I’ve been dreading ever since my blogroll started resembling a self-replicating, recombinant supervirus that seems hell-bent upon world domination. But Ozguru’s praiseworthy effort in getting a roundup done even when he̵...

Posted by: Jivha - the Tongue at August 22, 2003 09:08 PM