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August 29, 2003

Legal Funding

What is the matter with some people?
I have just about had enough of the self-righteous morons that write in the Sydney Moaning Herald (typo intentional). The outpouring of sympathy for "Australia's Nelson Mandela" and the rage directed at Abbot is just ridiculous. Let's examine the facts for a moment:

  • Pauline Hanson set's up a political movement (not a political party) in Queensland called "Pauline Hanson's One Nation" (PHON).
  • Along with Etteridge and Oldfield, she registered a political party called "One Nation" (ON).
  • The two things were not the same and this fact is the basis of the whole legal dispute.
  • The only way to challenge the situation is for a member of PHON to challenge ON in court (an uninvolved 3rd party cannot sue on behalf on those involved).
  • It is highly unlikely that members of PHON would have the funds to back a serious court case.
  • One of Pauline's political opponents was involved in raising money to help members of PHON to go to court.
  • Court case proceeds and Pauline is convicted.

    There is no fiddling around with the justice system. There has been no real challenge to the facts of the case. Pauline (and Etteridge) have been found guilty of deception (to the electoral commision) and face jail time. So what! Break the law, get caught, face the consequences. The only real defense that Pauline could have used was that she followed the advice of the other two - in other words she was too dumb to understand. As an aside, how the blazes did Oldfield escape? Perhaps as a sitting member of parliament?

    There is no judicial duplicity or political-prisoner style basis to Pauline's sentence and unlike Mandela she endorses racist material and redneck propaganda (again possibly due to influence from Oldfield). Pauline will get what she deserves and as Richard Ackland points out, her sentence is at the lower end of the possible scale.

    What about the legal fund? Perfectly legitimate. If I was in a court case against someone with deep pockets, I would appreciate the funding. Could be from a friend or relative or someone who dislikes my opponent - so what! As long as they are not tampering with the evidence, the judge will ultimately decide on the value of the case. If Abbott can be prosecuted for involvement in funding the lawsuit then expect punters to start suing "Legal Aid" next!

    Basically the SMH (like most of the media) gave Hanson coverage while she was controversial because it sold papers. When she lost it ignored her. Now they see the chance to be controversial again. If she had won the court case the papers would have been against her and critiquing the government for not policing the electoral system. As it was, she lost and so the papers are championing her cause. Grow up and get a real job.

    Posted by Ozguru at August 29, 2003 04:08 PM

