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September 10, 2003

More Bugs

Let's imagine you run a big company. Let's imagine that you produce software. Let's imagine, and this is the hard bit, that some doofus in your organisation has produced software with a bug in it. Your company has been hammered in the media about the bug (again). So what do you do?
1. Release a bug patch that will crash your client's systems (because you didn't test it).
2. Release a bug patch that no longer crashes your client's systems but doesn't solve the original problem.
3. Release a patch that fixes the problem and works.

According to News.com it looks like Microslosh is working it's way down this list. Any day now they will reach step 3 and that will protect all the customers that (a) have not switched to Linux because of steps 1 & 2; and (b) install the patch.

Posted by Ozguru at September 10, 2003 06:09 AM
