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September 12, 2003


No I am not talking about a morbid fascination with women named Susan but rather with this idea of suing people when you don't get what you want. Just because life is not going your way doesn't really entitle you to sue the pants of someone.
Jivha the Tongue (loose, and forked) has a rant on this topic and he is compiling a list of possible targets for trigger happy lawyers in the wake of the 11/9* attack.
Pop over and add any suggestions to the comments. A few of the entries at present include (check the post for the reasons):
* Visa/Mastercard
* US Immigration
* Microsoft (gotta love that one)
* The Pentagon
* The Saudi government

[Ed: Note for Americans, the international date standard is YYYY/MM/DD or DD/MM, there ain't no standard that uses MM/DD for obvious reasons - like it confuses the hell out of everyone. In this case I am talking about the 11th of September not the 9th of November.]

Posted by Ozguru at September 12, 2003 07:09 AM
