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September 12, 2003

Blog Roundup

It's been a few weeks since the last one and I apologise for that. Unfortunately this one will probably be fairly brief too. Anyway, let's get stuck into it.

First we have Pete who appears to have retired. We wish him all the best as he prepares to get married and settles down into his new job (with very long hours). [Actually, I predict that he will be back - maybe in an alternate format - he was just too good at it.] Speaking of long hours, you need to check out Paul Jané, one of the most prolific bloggers I know - and all of it is interesting. Lately he seems to be trying to find an alternative to his favourite Zil - see this, this and this. I think the first two look like ways of dealing with WTO protestors.... By the way, you can see a photo of Paul here (not as good as the photo in a kilt but not bad).

Moving from cars to aeroplanes, we have this post by Jivha about aircraft-proof buildings. Jivha appears to have changed his byline as well - Jivha the Tongue is loos and forked! As always, his site is very informative, did you know that Barbie is Jewish? He is also apparently a font of wisdom on a myriad of other topics, just ask! Another blog full of amazing facts would have to be Jaboobie who lets loose with this and this. On a less serious note he discusses multicultural day, normally we would have celebrated this a couple of weeks ago but the parish has been busy and it has been delayed to the weekend of the 28th/29th. I am pondering about the possibility of wearing a kilt - that seems multicultural!

Of course, one of the most multicultural pairs you can find would have to be Glenn and Vicki. Glenn has published his theory on how blogs work. He also has a blogroll longer than my arm, packed with interesting sites - give it a browse and done't miss Glenn's number plate. SlickVick is still sorting out things from the move.

SATR was obviously not completely satisified because they have gone and purchased cute puppy - that would certainly make my daughter satisified - she has been asking for one since she learned to talk. SATR also appears to have some tickets to the footy.

In contrast, The FatGuy seems quite cheerful. He has a really heart warming birthday wish for his daughter (I hope I can say things like that when the time comes) and also a desciption in the impact American culture is having in Iraq.

While we are talking about good news, it looks like Bob's temporary job could lead to something more serious. He has managed to finish the bathroom and it looks good. Maybe I can send photos and floorplans and pay him to redesign mine - it needs it! On a more somber note, Bob's grandmother passed away and I am sure Bob would appreciate your prayers and condolences. Sometimes, even when it is expected, it can still be hard to deal with death - I still miss my dad after 3 years.

Jake over at Utterly Boring has a neat story about some dude passing off a $200 note . He also has lots of other wierd and wonderful stories like this one and this one. Finally, there is some advice about firing your CIO.

Meanwhile CynicalCyn raises an interesting question about which way to walk up and down stairs. Naturally, as we drive on the left, we walk on the left and stairs and escalators here have signs that say "Keep Left". When you have a pair of escalators (up and down), the up one is invariably left of the down one as you face them. That means I can solve the American problem by just making them drive on the correct (left) side :-) CynicalCyn also has some great news stories like the lost luggage and the escaping prisoner.

Talking about strange stories, Interested-Participant has this gem about a different prisoner. Another interesting question is the difference between match boxes and t-shirts. As I read it, I can't wear a t-shirt with a cigar advert on it? Why not? On a serious note, check this entry on Malaria.

Howard (a former guest author on this blog) is being hit by a new sort of inverted spam. The spam makes some sort of accusation and provides a long-distance telephone number in the email. Call it and you pay through the nose. Apparently a related scam has been aimed at families of servicemen and servicewomen who are currently overseas. Nasty, very nasty. Howard also has a legitimate complaint(scroll down) about the lousy documentation that come with most software. He wants all instruction written in proper English. The problem with that approach is that mosut programmers can't even spell 'colour' or 'centre' let alone write proper English (as opposed to American or Geek) :-)

Due to a lack of time, some sites this week will miss out on the full treatment but are still worth checking out:
Pixeldiva wants to dye her hair and is running a sort of survey about it.
Practical Penumbra starts out with a rant about the RIAA but gets a bit distracted.
Reflections in d minor has lots of September 11 links and a detailed discussion on real music triggered by a google search.
AMCGLTD has a really strange story that I may have commented on previously - it just has to be a fake - noone could be that stupid! Or could they? There is also a story about tax funded reaseach into the echo of a ducks quack.
Alphecca (I think I spelt it right this time), also covers September 11 elsewhere touches on the question of carrying concealed weapons. A fencer (as in the sport of fencing) we know was hassled by the police for carrying his foil and saber in a bag - that made them concealed weapons. It was OK to carry thme in his hand though!? Of course we are not allowed to have guns so there is no question about concealing them.
Jay Solo's Verbosity also has September 11 stories but I am having trouble reading the site - could be a browser/proxy problem or maybe he is in the middle of reorganising.
Alex(ei) has a different perspective (on September 11 of course) and actually dares to use a French quote (which ignoring the source is completely pertinant). If you are not sure what I am talking about, check this out.
Micah has an interesting story about scoring free DVDs. I like the insight into the way someone else thinks (especially the guy listening to Micah talking to himself) but I can't believe the cheap prices. Bugger the discriminatory zoning system.
Damien is looking for content blocking software on the Mac. I am interested as well so maybe you could less us both know :-) He also has a pointer to a new blog: tosh we (huh?). He is still linking to the old site, I need to send him a mail I think....

Posted by Ozguru at September 12, 2003 03:09 PM


Heyyy...forgot to thank ya for the coverage :-)

Posted by: Jivha at September 12, 2003 03:09 PM

Wow! Thanks for the mention on your blog and for posting my link!! I feel so honored. Thanks!!

Posted by: Cyn at September 12, 2003 03:09 PM