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September 19, 2003

Blog Roundup

Phew, is it that time of the week already? I have been flat out this last week, switching ISPs and stuffing around with hardware and that means my blog visits have been a little lighter than usual. Never mind, there is still a lot of cool stuff happening out there and this is a brief tip of the hat to 10 sites that I have been visiting this week (in no particular order):

1. Jivha - the tongue is always good for a read. He started a pretty decent debate this last week with his "Broad Brush" series. I am tempted to follow suit because this looks like a neat way to cover some issues while warning the readers that it may (should) be Politically Incorrect. There is also an item on confronting a cobra which reminds me of when the Ladies Auxiliary had tea with grandpa. As they walked out they commented "What a lovely stuffed snake you have up there ...". Somewhere we have a picture of that (now dead but still not stuffed) red-belly black - my grandpa is standing with his arms outstretched holding the neck (just behind the head) in one hand. The body of the snake crosses his neck to the other hand and then hangs to the ground which would make it at least 9 ft long.

2. PD: You ... relax is a very interesting newcomer (well new for me anyway). He (?) has a great mixture of humour, helpful hints and the occasional rant (well deserved in this case).

3. Melodrama posted a neat story about learning to drive. I had forgotten about the problems of teenage embarrassment but I have to admit that it is not an Indian cultural thing because that story brings the memories flooding back. My father used the same method to get help ferrying people around and as we lived 15 minutes drive from civilisation, it was really convenient to have more drivers in the family. I often wondered if that was why my sister didn't want to learn to drive? There is also an entry on banks with the implications that banks open more than 5 days? Banks here open 10AM to 4 PM Monday to Friday to ensure that the office workers (8:30 to 5:30) cannot get to a bank except at lunchtime. That of course is when the banks close the teller windows so that the tellers can have lunch. Sounds like it might not be so bad in India :-)

4. Technically Speaking is another new blog for me. It has an amazing collection of tech items. I really like this motorbike. The idea that it can remain balanced suits me fine. Even better than the bike are some James Bond sunglasses. He also refers to some new blog word game that I obviously need to investigate in more detail.

5. Interested Participant had some comments on the impact of fashion trends on young people and their employment. There is also an interesting historical post on some artifacts older than the pyramids. There is also a < a href="http://interested-participant.blogspot.com/2003_09_01_interested-participant_archive.html#106380049942336211">prime candidate for one of those politically incorrect posts that Jivha is promoting :-)

6. jonandnic is a site I came across some time ago but forgot to follow up. Then one (or the other) posted a comment on the "friday 5" last week. This prompted another visit to a very friendly blog that contains such gems as this family outing which is extra interesting because one of the comments is from Victor Rehorst - one of the stalwarts of the Newton community. There is also a lovely piece on living in London but read carefully - it is not London, UK but London, Ontario.

7. Da Goddess has a lovely story to explain why the emu cannot fly. She also has a rant on insurance companies which is reminding me that I have to claim for those skylights we lost. There is also a memorial post about Johnny Cash and John Ritter.

8. Pete is back in action again (knew it wouldn't last long - this blogging thing is addictive). The blog is now called "The Aussie Courier" and it describes some of the fun of being a courier and of course, because it is Pete, lots of details about his van.

9. Kinglsey wants to differ with Jivha's Broad Brush attack on geeks. He argues quite persuasively for the use of the term nerds instead. There is also a followup entry as well. Apparently this weekend he is travelling so I'll stay tuned to find out more when he gets back.

10. Little Tiny Lies is written by a chilli-eating, parrot-owning lawyer and he has just recieved a dose of reality - conclusion XP Sucks.

Posted by Ozguru at September 19, 2003 03:09 PM


A heartfelt thanks as usual Ozguru :-) Have you had a look at the size of my blogroll recently? I think I'll have to take a sabbatical in order to do a blog roundup now :-(

Posted by: Jivha at September 19, 2003 03:09 PM

Thanks, ozguru! I really appreciate it.

Posted by: Tony S. at September 19, 2003 03:09 PM

Thanks for the mention. I told you I loved Australian/Aboriginal lore! I'll be posting more off and on over the next week or so.

Posted by: Da Goddess at September 19, 2003 03:09 PM

'Tis a He indeed :) Thanks for the comments. I'll have more ranty goodness soon.

Posted by: Prasad at September 19, 2003 03:09 PM

Thanks mate! Be visiting you more often.

Posted by: Kingsley at September 19, 2003 03:09 PM

Hey! Thanks for the mention! Bloggin rawks!

Posted by: Jonathan Wise at September 19, 2003 03:09 PM