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September 23, 2003

Quiet Time

Well don't expect too much today.... or the next couple of days for that matter.... it is spring and that means spring cleaning (also known as protect your junk before the wife cleans it up).

More importantly, our guest bedroom which was being used to store a friends furniture was cleared out on the weekend. This means that there were removalists tramping all over the nice clean carpet (we do not wear shoes in the house normally) and so it is time to clean the carpet. Instead of spending $300 - $500 getting professional cleaners we opted for the $38 do-it-yourself 24 hour hire deal. The missus is not too well (we all still have that bug and it is really hard to get rid of it) so I did the labouring part - about 3 hours (last night) of pushing a carpet steam cleaner.

Well the carpets are very clean (the amount of dirt we found was unbelievable) but I am very exhausted and fully expect that I will be dozing off at work today ...

Posted by Ozguru at September 23, 2003 07:09 AM


Whenever you talk about seasons, I am reminded of how different it must be below the equator. Here winter will set in, in another month, and you have spring!

Posted by: Melodrama at September 23, 2003 07:09 AM