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September 24, 2003

Pipped at the Post

I was catching up on my blog reading (it is lunchtime at the moment), when I found this post over at All AgitProp. As usual, Paul has a cutting way of attacking stupidity and part way through the article we get this gem:

[Quoting Kofi Anan:]
"My concern is that, if it were to be adopted, it could set precedents that resulted in a proliferation of the unilateral and lawless use of force, with or without credible justification," Annan warned in a text of his speech released in advance.

So the proliferation of the use of force is a no-no, but the proliferation of WMD is quite alright? When a city vanishes inside a large mushroom cloud, will that be enough justification to use force, or will a vote be necessary?

Paul, Paul, of course there will have to be a vote. And France will vote against it (unless the ciy was Paris in which case everyone else will vote against it). And China will have to be bribed with RMFN (Really Most Favoured Nation). And the EU will want to have it's own vote outside of the UN. Then there will be some debating.... banging of shoes.... yelling and arguing.... blaming the Americans.... blaming the communists.... purity of essence.... finally half the security council will abstain and there will be a media call for a revote and .... it won't matter because the UN won't be there any more.

I kept thinking, this sounds sort of familiar - wasn't the League of Nations barfing on about the same sort of issues? Then I found that someone else had beaten me to it in the comments.... Pipped at the post!

Posted by Ozguru at September 24, 2003 12:09 PM


The UN is a total joke. Did they ever have any power? Looks like the UN is really the League of Nations in disguise. We just need another organization that the UN can transfer its assets to and let the next world agency have a try.

Posted by: Tony S. at September 24, 2003 12:09 PM

Thanks for the linkage, Ozg. :-)

Posted by: Paul at September 24, 2003 12:09 PM