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October 03, 2003


Another lawyer story coming up. According to MacSlash some poor dude in Australia is being sent lawyer letters regarding his use of the word 'Rendezvous' to refer to the Apple product. Apple's Rendezvous is just a marketing name for an open standard for connecting computers without configuring them. It means that two macs can be networked by installing a cable (or wireless connection) with no software changes at all.
As the gentleman in question notes, in Australia the name 'Rendezvous' is owned by Apple. Tibco only has rights to the name 'TIBCO Rendezvous' which is something quite different.
What is the point of this article? Well apparently TIBCO's lawyers are using Google to find references to Rendezvous and I thought we should all give them some more work to do and the easiest way to do that is to include the phrase Rendezvous in your posts and link to stories about Rendezvous and so on ....

Posted by Ozguru at October 3, 2003 05:10 AM


Looks like As the Apple Turns has the same idea. They too are using the term often and as the article states:
(Since AtAT has already mentioned "Rendezvous" a whopping six times in just this one scene, we can only assume that TIBCO will be banging down our door next. Bring it on, Short Round.)

Posted by: ozguru at October 3, 2003 05:10 AM