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October 09, 2003

Political Actors?

Looks like Arnie is the new governor of California and the press is not all that impressed. Most of the complaints are about the lack of qualifications he has; or at least the lack of political experience. That got me thinking: why can't an actor be elected to public office? Is the media suggesting that an actor could not be president?
Seriously, what is wrong with actors? Try turning the question around aid explain why realators, lawyers and journalists make good politicians. In Australia we even elect used car salesmen to public office! It can't be related to honesty (there go all the realators), or truthfulness (bye bye lawyers) or intelligence (some of the journos).
There is some question related to his treatment of women but as far as I can see, that questionshould be raised against both of the primary participants.
I can think of reasons why politicians should not become actors (cause they are so baaad at it) but are there any readers out there who can explain why actors in general (as opposed to Arnie specifically) are not capable of becoming politicians?

Posted by Ozguru at October 9, 2003 04:10 PM


Wasn't Reagan an actor? He became President of that little tin pot country called the USA

Posted by: Peskie at October 9, 2003 04:10 PM

There were some films staring an actor and a monkey but I am not sure which one was Reagan and even less sure about which one got elected president :-) Australia has a lawyer for a Prime Minister and a union rep for leader of the opposition. NSW has a journalist for a Premier and a complete unknown as leader of whatever opposition is left.

Posted by: Another Nony-Mouse at October 9, 2003 04:10 PM

Some of us over here, on the tin pot, also have trouble distinguishing between the man and the monkey. So don't feel bad!

Posted by: Tony S. at October 9, 2003 04:10 PM

Reminds me of the joke that used to be around when Bush the Elder was President and his VP was not considered to be up to it. I think the punchline was something along the lines of: "the Presidents been shot! Of s**t, quick shoot the Vice President!" Sorry, can't remember the names, but I did meet the VP and his wife and she was definetly the brains of the outfit. Guess that sums up my interest in politicians really.

Posted by: pgc at October 9, 2003 04:10 PM

I wonder why they don't number them like kings: President George (No Middle Initial) Bush I President William (Cigars are not for smoking) Clinton I President George (Wobble-U) Bush II President Jeb (Dunno) Bush I You couldn't use 'President George I' because that would be George Washington. Maybe you could use 'President Bush I' 'II' and 'III'. Somehow I doubt that Neil made it into the list but you never know. Also after another 3 terms (1 for GWB, 2 for Jeb) the American people may be prepared to elect anything or anyone associated with the 'royal' family.

Posted by: ozguru at October 9, 2003 04:10 PM