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October 10, 2003

Gone? Where?

Where have all the postings gone, long time passing...

Sorry bout that. I have three excuses:
1. I am tired (left home at 5 AM)
2. I am busy (migrated core admin server)
3. I have been distracted

What the heck is that link? It goes to a web server running on battery powered machine that uses flash memory (and not very much of it) - i.e. a Newton. Not much there yet but give me a few more days....

It was a lot of work because this Newton was pretty much DOA - bad case of the jaggies and stuffed serial port and dead batteries. Thanks to Mr PCBman I was able to get a new backlight, touchscreen and serial board. I picked up a new soldering iron from Jaycar, a memory battery from Tricky Dicky and a main battery on eBay. Several hours of screwing and unscrewing (because I kept forgetting bits or doing it in the wrong sequence), and I have a brand spanking new Newton (well sort of) with a white backlight and an unscratched screen....

Posted by Ozguru at October 10, 2003 11:10 PM
